среда, 30 марта 2011 г.

h3c s5500 traffic shaping, policer

Срочно понадобилось зашейпить трафик на интерфейсе h3c s5500. До этого момента такое делать не приходилось. Китайцев сложно понять. Вроде как и хочется им сделать свой IOS, да и нельзя, засудят... вот они и шифруют команды. Короче, вот:

qos lr

qos lr { inbound | outbound } cir committed-information-rate [ cbs committed-burst-size ]
undo qos lr { inbound | outbound }
Interface view, port group view
Default Level
2: System level
inbound: Limits the rate of incoming packets on the interface.
outbound: Limits the rate of outgoing packets on the interface.
cir committed-information-rate: Committed information rate (CIR). The committed-information-rate argument ranges from 8 to 1000000 and must be a multiple of 8.
cbs committed-burst-size: Committed burst size (CBS). The committed-burst-size argument ranges from 512 to 16000000, and defaults to 8000.
Use the qos lr command to limit the rate of incoming packets or outgoing packets on the interface.
Use the undo qos lr command to remove the rate limit.
Settings in interface view are effective on the current interface. Settings in port group view are effective on all ports in the port group.
# Configure line rate for outgoing packets on interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 as follows: set CIR to 256 kbps and CBS to 4096 bytes.
[Sysname] interface gigabitethernet1/0/1
[Sysname-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] qos lr outbound cir 256 cbs 4096

вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

Диагностика catalyst cpu

Три команды, которые покажут все про cpu.

show proc cpu history
show platform health
show platform cpu packet statistics

и следом


Проверить md5 образа
Router# verify /md5 filesystem:filename

среда, 2 марта 2011 г.

Общение. Unix way. Write.

Два юзера на одной линукс машине. В cli. Как послать друг другу сообщение. Вот так :)

nat9@nat9:~$ write mitya pts/0
write: write: you have write permission turned off.

usage: write user [tty]
nat9@nat9:~$ mesg
is n
nat9@nat9:~$ man mesg
nat9@nat9:~$ mesg y
nat9@nat9:~$ who
mitya pts/0 2011-03-02 04:27 (
nat9 pts/2 2011-03-02 04:37 (
nat9@nat9:~$ write nat9 pts/2

Message from nat9@nat9 on pts/2 at 04:42 ...
nat9@nat9:~$ write mitya pts/0
write: mitya has messages disabled on pts/0